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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Machang BH: At Last Wrapped Up The Revamp Operation !!!

Glad that another revamp operation was done with.

The BH owner came to view what I did with his BH.

The most important was to see how easy those birds can swoop in without any hesitation.

The removal of the roof overhang or hat makes a lot of different.

With no excessive roof extension, plus a good number of external sound tweeters at the main entrance and not forgetting the hexagonal tweeter, the set up was perfect.

Every time those birds passed by you can see one by one will be attracted to the BH.

95% of the time they will approach the hexagonal tweeter and soon after will enter the main entrance hole.

The only thing that will make them to stay longer will be what were arranged inside.

This is where my expertise come into play.

I understand how they react to good external sound.

I also understand that they only way to lure them deep into the nesting rooms will be those sounds.

If they enter even for the first time, I can assure you that they will return to roost the same day.

The nesting planks were rearranged (top floor and VIP room on the lower floor).

Each floor was with a VOP room.

The number of internal sound tweeters was raised to about 300 pieces.

Each was with at least two fake nests.

Give this BH about 3-4 months and you will see a lot of bird shit markings on the floor.

I assured the owner that if he is lucky he will get 200% increase withing the next 12 months.

As long as he followed all those guidelines provided his BH now is no longer sick like before.

If you have the same kind of problems please call for help.

Let me help you with your BH.

Call me at 017 7551318.

Frankly I and not getting any younger.

So why wait until I am no longer able to climb those stairs.

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